Roger Waters Politics And Rock



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Quite a political; interview by the Pink Floyd founding member on CNN

I can't open it at the moment, but is the 30 minute version or the three minute edited version?

Because I think that a lot of his words were taken out of context in the 3 minute interview.

Either way, the way he says things, no matter how controversial they may be (I generally agree with his opinions), and no matter how it may effect his sales and career, is what I admire the most about him.
It lasts for 7:30 mins and he has a go at the US for supplying arms to Ukraine and interfering in Taiwan. He also has a go at Israel for their treatment of the Palestinians.
It lasts for 7:30 mins and he has a go at the US for supplying arms to Ukraine and interfering in Taiwan. He also has a go at Israel for their treatment of the Palestinians.
At least that's better than the 3 minute version.
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