


Hi, I'm Eddy. 52 yrs. I joined today. Music fan since 14. What is the name of the singer of Maneskin and are there any other rock singers with similar voice?.
BTW, never heard of the band and was amazed at the dude's raspy voice and vocal quality.
Thanks a lot for reply.
Hi there and welcome to the Rock Forum. :) Not familiar with Maneskin, will need to check them out.
Hi new member !!! Welcome to the forums :)
Hmmmmmm Maneskin....practically the band my g f and I love to hate. My g f is Italian and she is somewhat younger than me, but she says it's the worst band she has ever heard so far.....I agree 1000 % with her. Don't be fooled by the fact that they opened for the Stones, seem to be very popular (in Italy they are not :)) and seem to be popular because it's all an illusion. I've been listening to rock music forever (since I was 3!!!) and have NEVER heard a band worse than Maneskin even because, apart from a bunch of amazing Italian prog bands in the 1970s, Italy has no history of rock whatsoever.
Your best bet is to up and follow other cool bands like Dirty Honey, Greta Van Fleet, Howlin' Wind, Dirty Denims, etc , but forget garbage like Maneskin. You won't regret it :):)
Hi new member !!! Welcome to the forums :)
Hmmmmmm Maneskin....practically the band my g f and I love to hate. My g f is Italian and she is somewhat younger than me, but she says it's the worst band she has ever heard so far.....I agree 1000 % with her. Don't be fooled by the fact that they opened for the Stones, seem to be very popular (in Italy they are not :)) and seem to be popular because it's all an illusion. I've been listening to rock music forever (since I was 3!!!) and have NEVER heard a band worse than Maneskin even because, apart from a bunch of amazing Italian prog bands in the 1970s, Italy has no history of rock whatsoever.
Your best bet is to up and follow other cool bands like Dirty Honey, Greta Van Fleet, Howlin' Wind, Dirty Denims, etc , but forget garbage like Maneskin. You won't regret it :):)
Thanks for replying. I don't know the band at all either. The other night a friend played a song. 'Beggin' was the title and I can't say I didn't like it. There singer has a strange voice. That was what called my attention and the tune was not bad. So they were an opening act for the Stones.thanks for telling me about the other bands. I will check them out. Thanks a lot, buddy!
Changeling, if you can, drop some tunes you like from rock bands. once in a while. I am new to the scene and I want to explore, even if I am not a youngster anymore, some good rock, especially if there's a type of ballad rock I'll appreciate you sending a heads up my way.
Thanks for replying. I don't know the band at all either. The other night a friend played a song. 'Beggin' was the title and I can't say I didn't like it. There singer has a strange voice. That was what called my attention and the tune was not bad. So they were an opening act for the Stones.thanks for telling me about the other bands. I will check them out. Thanks a lot, buddy!
It's my 2 cents of course and music IS subjective of course. However, the band in question lacks good arrangements , melody and harmony lines; the voice and guitars are ok, nothing special mind you, but overall ok. I think they really need to get a new arranger.
I totally agree. I just liked the way that song sounded and the raspy voice if the dude. Don't forget to send me your Playlist. I see you have a taste for rock. If you don't mind sharing your Playlist with me I'd love to have it. Thanks again, bud.
I totally agree. I just liked the way that song sounded and the raspy voice if the dude. Don't forget to send me your Playlist. I see you have a taste for rock. If you don't mind sharing your Playlist with me I'd love to have it. Thanks again, bud.
Ehm, I haven't really got a specific consolidated playlist actually, but if you check out my posts in the various genre/listening/favourite band posts/threads in the forums, you'll notice I dig rock n' roll, hard rock, heavy metal, pop rock, but above all psychedelic rock , or "stoner" as they call it now. Of course I have my preferences, but they are simply too many to mention in a playlist.
Anyway, keep checking the listening and fav band threads and you'll be able to follow my tastes in rock.
What I disdain is wimpy "commercial" music which is written solely for the charts and silly "disco music" with the funky side removed (99,9% of dance music since the early 80s !! :). The best music to shake yer bootie too is funky or funky rock a la James Brown, Funkadelic, Parliament, Spin Doctors, Outcast and the like.
Soft ballady rock until now. But tired of the tried and true bands I have known for years. I know there are a lot of underground music that is so good but doesn't have a chance somehow to get into the limelight. I want to hear something of that and some other already established bands that I have never heard. Some of them you have already mentioned in the posts.
Changeling, if you can, drop some tunes you like from rock bands. once in a while. I am new to the scene and I want to explore, even if I am not a youngster anymore, some good rock, especially if there's a type of ballad rock I'll appreciate you sending a heads up my way.
There are loads of youtube tracks and clips if you search around the forum as @changeling said but there is also albums and concerts that members can stream or download, We will be adding more in due course so keep an eye on them.


There are loads of youtube tracks and clips if you search around the forum as @changeling said but there is also albums and concerts that members can stream or download, We will be adding more in due course so keep an eye on them.


I appreciate ? that Floyd. Thanks.
Yes, Floyd is doing a really cool job of providing streams of amazing albums.....keep it up Floyd :):)
Soft ballady rock until now. But tired of the tried and true bands I have known for years. I know there are a lot of underground music that is so good but doesn't have a chance somehow to get into the limelight. I want to hear something of that and some other already established bands that I have never heard. Some of them you have already mentioned in the posts.
You're dead right......there is tons of underground rock music yet to surface and 80 % of it is waaaaaay better than the more mainstream stuff. Say, do you like/know Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush ? If you like good solid punch-in-the-face rock-blues, he's the man for you :)
It was now that i read your last post changelin. I'll google him. Don't know him from Adam but I will. I have been hearing for years the cliché that music is gone cos the golden decade is past us. I don't wanna believe and i don't believe it at all. I know there is good music out there. I set to find it. I am 52 going on 53 but music has on age on it. Someone said music is the food f angels and well, if there are angles, it sure is. You ask for my tastes in music. I am originally from Cuba. I came to the States very early I was 12 years when I hit New Jersey. my taste: Blues rock, ballady/ pop soft to hard, but never heavy!. There are different tastes and I know a lot of you like heavy, metal. Not my preference. So you know and can steer me into good music.
Thank you all. i have already regale my ears with some of the ones you have posted here. Forever indebted to you all. I will rummage aound the forums too and like you all say I am sure to find some doozies around.
you should check this out if you are into American bluesy type music.

I guess I know you might dig a chunky piece of rock blues like this :)

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